Studio T Arts & Entertainment
Donations of any amount mean so much to us! If you'd like to gift your dollars for a specific purpose, here are some ideas!
Help us provide access to current technology used in the Creative Workforce along with the training to leverage it! Users will hone their skills, let their creative talents shine, and learn to monetize their skills to provide a pathway to a thriving life!
$2500 - One of ten productions stations
$3500 - One of two Mac powerhouse systems to manage large media files
$40,000 - Talk to us about being a named Sponsor of the entire Lab!
Over the last 20 years, our programs have done more than teach dance -- they have transformed thousands of lives! We are now scaling our impact even further within and beyond the Sacramento region with our virtual Pass to Class platform, pop-ups in neighborhood that have no access to the arts, and more. These studios will help us both teach and train on premise as well as film content for our virtual instruction.
$450 - One of eight iPads for Dance captains to provide music, capture video, and cross train on graphic arts.
Contribute to dance studio flooring, mirrors, bars, sound systems (estimated total cost: $25,000)
$32,000 -- Talk to us about being a named Sponsor for all of the dance studios!
Help our team lay a strong foundation to scale our impact! We are working to grow our team and provide essential tech tools and space to organize and operate. Many of our team members and youth do not have the ability to work from home so creating a safe space to convene is critical.
$1400 -- one of five computers for admin team.
Contribute to office furniture, signage, supplies, paint...
Are you interested in a monthly giving program? $20 a month will give one student a class. $100 a month will give a student a month of classes!
Whether you are a home-school parent, teacher, or you just want a fun way to teach your kids current, relevant dance steps and techniques; PassToClass.com is for you. Our video series can also serve as a way to teach your kids a choreographed routine that they can perform at home, at their school or anywhere they want. The third goal of the series is to provide tools for children to regain focus in times of intense study or focus.
Current partners include: Sacramento City Unified School District, Sacramento County Office of Education, Center High School, Guilford County Unified School District-Greensboro North Carolina, Los Angeles City College, CSUS, and City of Sacramento Arts and Culture.
You can choose a monthly Individual Plan at $10/month or a Teacher + 1 Class plan at $100/month

LVL UP - Creative Campaigns For Change
The LVL UP Creative Campaigns For Change is a social marketing campaign designed to educate youth in vulnerable communities in Sacramento about staying mentally and physically healthy during and following the COVID-19 pandemic. During this time together, we will teach social media marketing through art, design, and creativity. Design and assist in dissemination yard signs, flyers, posters, website, social media, videos, and t-shirts - all culturally and socially relevant.
We will provide digital marketing training and work opportunities to underserved youth who are now unable to find work after COVID-19 dramatically reduced the availability of jobs that have historically been all that is available to this age group.
Do you represent a state or local agency that is looking to further develop creative campaigns by youth to communicate vital information and resource availabilities to their communities? Or would you like to sponsor this program? Get in touch!
Side Hustle Academy
Through Studio T’s Side Hustle Academy we will continue to expand our work with youth to help them determine the creative career path that best fits their interests, creative skills, and personality types (as determined through testing).
Our program model is to connect with difficult-to-serve youth, then address their broader needs through workshops which feature expert community partners. For example, we conduct programs for youth and their parents with Pantry Overflow and Sacramento Helping Hands, who teach families how to maximize their budgets and buy food with less. We intend to leverage our ability to create high quality video content by partnering with other arts and community organizations, filming what they teach and producing online material for the site. These videos would become available on the platform, but also become a tool those organizations would maintain ownership of and have the ability to use to better serve their target populations as well. Examples of partner content we will produce are:
- Family management
- Budgeting and savings
- Culturally relevant financial literacy
- How to manage your personal brand
- Marketing yourself in the creative workforce
In addition, we will partner with our professional dancers, videographers, photographers, social media content creators, and entrepreneurs who we’ve launched and others we have already built relationships with (examples below) to train the next cohort of youth and to create content for the digital learning platform.
Whether you represent an arts and community organization and need a tool to address the needs of your difficult-to-serve youth, or you are interested in sponsoring this program, get in touch!